
作者:李明 周海容 曹俊

In order to further enhance the Party members' Party spirit cultivation, strengthen their Party spirit concepts, and motivate Party members to adhere to their original aspirations and bravely shoulder their missions, various grassroots Party organizations of Tongwei Group have carried out learning and education through various forms, further guiding Party members to remember their original aspirations for joining the Party and maintain their advanced nature forever.

Secretary Wang Yang leads the learning process

  At the meeting, Comrade Wang Yang, the secretary of the Party branch, led all Party members to study the plenary session bulletin, with a focus on interpreting the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping. He stated that through organizing special study sessions, discussion and exchange meetings, and Party education, he would guide all Party members and employees to deeply grasp the new concepts, strategies, and measures proposed at the plenary session, and actively transform them into a powerful driving force for promoting enterprise reform and innovation.

Learning site

Through this learning experience, party members of the branch have deeply felt the need to transform their learning achievements into practical actions to promote high-quality development of the enterprise. It is necessary to have the courage to take responsibility, innovate, and be good at doing things. At the same time, we must strengthen our learning and self-improvement, continuously improve our ability to adapt to the new requirements of the new era, and contribute wisdom and strength to the development of the enterprise. Next, the Tongwei Agricultural Development Party Branch will continue to take the "Three Meetings and One Lesson" as an important lever, continuously strengthen the education and management of party members and ideological and political work, closely unite around the Party Central Committee, and promote the company's deepening reform and innovative development with a high sense of political responsibility and mission.

The Party branch of Sichuan Yongxiang Polycrystalline Silicon Co., Ltd. organized a theoretical learning activity

To fully leverage the leading role of Party building, educate and guide Party members to focus on their own work, take initiative to take on responsibilities, and further enhance their work abilities. Recently, the Party branch of Sichuan Yongxiang Polycrystalline Silicon Co., Ltd. organized a themed Party Day event titled "Tracing the Origins, Understanding the Ideology, Studying the Discipline, Casting the Soul, and Strengthening Party Spirit". Party branch secretary Luo Xuan attended the event, and representatives of all Party members participated.

Learning site

  The participating party members reviewed Chapter 10 and Chapter 11 of the Regulations of the CPC on Disciplinary Actions, publicized and implemented the disciplinary provisions for violations of work discipline and life discipline, and emphasized that party members should be strict with themselves and adhere to the cultivation of party spirit.

At the meeting, Secretary Luo Xuan made arrangements and deployments for the recent party building work, and stated that our party members should focus on their own positions and strengthen their own party spirit cultivation. In the current difficult market situation, we must remain firm in our beliefs, give full play to the exemplary role of Party members, turn what we have learned and felt into practical actions, actively innovate and break through, face difficulties and overcome them together with the company.

3. The Party branch of Tongwei Food Co., Ltd. conducted a study and discussion on Party discipline

Recently, the Party branch of Tongwei Food Co., Ltd. held a themed Party Day activity for studying and discussing Party discipline in the Party building activity room.

Learning site

At the meeting, all party members and active members jointly studied the contents of Chapters 10 and 11 of the Disciplinary Regulations of the Communist Party of China, as well as the important speech spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping during the 15th collective study and inspection of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee in Qinghai and Ningxia, and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important discourse on comprehensively strengthening the Party's discipline construction, and conducted discussions.

Through the study and discussion of party discipline, we have come to realize that in order to deepen and implement the study and education of party discipline, it is necessary to adhere to the principles of party spirit, party conduct, and party discipline, and to deepen the rectification of formalism. We must continue to promote the work mechanism of not daring to be corrupt, not being corrupt, and not wanting to be corrupt, and form a political ecology with clean and upright conduct to lead a healthy and stable enterprise ecology, and help the company develop healthily and steadily.

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